
I'm just in long weekend! This Monday is holiday, is called "Thanksgiving Day".
On the long weekend, the most of people goes out or has a dinner party.
TV show has a program for the traffic jam. It seems that the day,
"Thanksgiving Day", is to thank for something. In my case, the host family,
my friends has lived in invited me to their dinner party and I could have a time
to fun on this weekend. That is just "Thanks" :)

I wrote about the trip to Vancouver. Actually, I also went to Seattle in US
on the trip in one day! You need to take 4 hours for one way to get
to Seattle from Vancouver by the bus.

Although that is the schedule tightly as leaving early, getting home late at night,
it is the city of port which is difference from Vancouver.

Port and Seafood! We walked belong the sea shore, ate a clam chowder
which is one of famous food. But the mention to the clam chowder I chose,
the taste was something wrong for me even though it was the day of
recommendation lol I think you should choose the standard clam chowder...



The First Shop of Starbucks
There is The first shop of Starbucks which has the parts of difference are
look of the shop and logo in Seattle. The Starbucks was founded at the
place. There are goods you can buy at the shop only. Be careful of getting
wrong! Because there is also another shop, NOT the first shop, using 
same logo at near place. We didn't know that by the way and took a picture
at "another" shop lol


Safeco Field
And I should mention to "Ichiro" if I write about Seattle! The base of 
the Seattle Mariners is in the place so Seattle. It has a baseball stadium,
"Safeco Field". Unfortunately, they didn't have the game at the time but
we could go to the stadium to feel the atmosphere.


The board of Ichiro

The board is also written by "Katakana"(one of Japanese character).
That is for Ichiro only lol I am wondering how the board was when Johjima
who is one of baseball player in Japan  was the player on Mariners

It seems that Ichiro couldn't get 200 hits on last season. Just get I'm sorry! 
As the season is ending, I would like him to take a good rest and make
excite to see many hits on next season.

The picture is below I took a picture when Mariners came to Toronto.
Canada has one of Major league team, Toronto Blue Jays, only in Canada.
And Mariners has the game withe Jays sometimes!

The topics is about the trip again as continuing from last article.
Anyway, It was not just refresh or getting something on the trip, 
there was the things I lost :(


Cell phone

Handle of suitcase

Bath towel

About the cell phone, I lost on the trip as writing in last article
(suppose to have lost in Seattle). The handle was taken off at the first day
in the trip at the Vancouver airport without notice...
I mostly need to use the part ;(


About the Bath towel, in spite of home-stay, it had gone when I have
gotten home in Toronto. The towel was one of them I brought two
from Japan.

The cellphone and the Bath towel, I bought new one. I could get a same
cell phone with it which I had cheaply. In addition, it was the last one
they has sold without the battery charger, I don't know why.
And I could also buy the Bath towel for a half of price.
Because the shop is just on sale. I don't know if it was lucky or unlucky...

By the way, it was fine to be able to get home in safe :)

Talk to you soon!



Hi I'm Shinya Hasegawa
I was born in Kanagawa,
Japan and 30 years old.
I'm IT Engineer of year 8th.
I'm challenging globalize
by IT engineer.
I arrived in Canada on February 2011.
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