TOYOTA is working hard

Here is AD on TV by TOYOTA in Canada.

The beginning is 
"We speak your language. Because..."

And they are saying the words for next below.

"I AM Don Valley North TOYOTA!"

So people who are many kind of nations are saying the words using their language continually on AD.

"Don Valley North" seems like the place where is at north of Toronto.

Honestly, it sounds like "Ganbari no" for my ears instead of "Don Valley North" lol
"Ganbari no" is Japanese words which means "work hard" in English.

My ear : "I AM Ganbari no TOYOTA!"
Correct : "I AM Don Valley North TOYOTA!"

I noticed that is wrong in shame when I tried to write down the thing which there is strange AD on TV which they are saying "I AM Ganbari no TOYOTA!"... I have heard that you cannot get some pronunciations if you are over one age(around 25 years old?) even though you have practiced hard. So it might be better to begin to learn English as young as possible. I am wondering if it also is kind of the thing??

How could you listen that AD.

Talk to you soon!



Hi I'm Shinya Hasegawa
I was born in Kanagawa,
Japan and 30 years old.
I'm IT Engineer of year 8th.
I'm challenging globalize
by IT engineer.
I arrived in Canada on February 2011.
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