Make Application for LMO

I wrote about LMO is required to get a Work Permit at before article here.
That is "Labour Market Opinion" which is like a license to hire foreign employees.
You can't apply for a work permit unless your employer doesn't have it.
It is difficult to get LMO in Canada where is not good economy because
they need to secure labour market for their citizens. But I have to pass it
over to stay for second year and start getting LMO a few months ago.

I had a meeting about that issue with my employers some days ago and
they made a decision to apply it for me in this month! At the time, I knew
that they had applied it for another employee. But they failed unfortunately.
Moreover they are in process to apply again on second times right now.
It was easy to share about application for LMO because they have already
knew. But they also said "Getting LMO is difficult for us." so I need to brace.

They don't have result it yet which is in process even passed 2 months.
So it is hard for me who has a visa which will be expired on coming February.
I have no time enough to take. The process time to apply for LMO is 4-6 weeks
officially. I will be in trouble because I also have to take a time to apply
a work permit even though we have LMO fortunately...

For the limit issue, there is the way which you can extend your visa to extra
90 days if you are in process to apply LMO or Work Permit. It might help me out.

There are two essential points that are important to make application for LMO.

- To proof of it that employer put the offer of a job for Canadian citizens
exactly and could not hire.

-The foreign employee who has special skills which Canadian citizens
doesn't have enough. And how is important to keep your business.

The first, you need to proof of putting advertise of hiring to labour market using 
craigslist or monster etc which is hiring web site and not being able to hire
employee who has the skills. In our case, we would make something
documents of advertisement(hard copy?) to hire and list of applicants who
were not hire with the reason.

The second, it is evidence of that I have skills which Canadian citizens
doesn't have. For example, at the Japanese restaurant, it could be reason
for hiring Japanese people if you need to use Japanese and make sushi.
In my case, I am planning to focus to "Android Developer". There is not many
Android users in Canada where iPhone and BlackBerry are popular.
It is the reason why it is hard to hire Android Developers. Exactly, head hunters
contact even me via Linkedin or Monster. It seems that job seekers has
advantage. I hope I can be on this wave.

I guess that to get result to apply it is over this year. I have to be back to
Japan in less a month if I have no visa when next year is coming.  I can't
know what I do in even near future. I feel I am walking a tightrope in this
process. I am just wondering if I am getting well.

I will start making documents of application for LMO with my employers!
I know that is difficult.But no going, no application. Hang on!

Talk to you soon!



Hi I'm Shinya Hasegawa
I was born in Kanagawa,
Japan and 30 years old.
I'm IT Engineer of year 8th.
I'm challenging globalize
by IT engineer.
I arrived in Canada on February 2011.
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