One Year!

You can imagine it is cold and snow for Toronto's winter. This winter has been called "Warm Winter". But The temperature was over -10 ℃ in this weekend and I feel a foreboding that the winter we imagine came exactly. I arrived in Canada one year ago. Toronto was a snow scene which is same with which I imagined. I came to Toronto with two suitcases and one boston bag like many stuffs. One year past since then. Although the beginning was expectable, the year had kept unexpectable.

Feel like a moment and long for the year. The reason for "long" is there were many good things I cannot believe that was happened in one year.

Feb : Go abroad, Home-stay, Language school
Mar : Move to share-house, Kicked off at share-house, Starting finding a job
Apr : First phone interview, First interview
May : Got a job, Starting first project
Aug : Trip to Quebec & Montreal, Released first app, Starting 2nd project
Sep : Negotiate for LMO application, Trip to Vancouver & Seattle
Oct : Released 2nd app
Nov : Starting 3rd project
Dec : Applied for LMO, First snowboarding in Canada, Mother came, Kicked off at night club

Feb : Released 3rd app

Look back over the past in that way, moving three times, releasing three app, trip Three times(including coming in Canada) and Kicked off twice... I don't think it is easy to make variety type of great experience in only one year like that in the future. "Working in foreign country as IT developer" was my aim ordinally. I could get a job literally and did the thing apply for LMO. I believe that I could make an example for somebody who has an aim is similar to mine.

Also I was the only Android developer in my company but getting four developers including me currently and we are called "Android team". It was precious experience to help to build new field from the first. At the 3rd project,  All developers in Android team were mobilized to develop an app which is for Canadian service that mostly people knows in Canada with basing on past project I did. It is thoughtful for one developer to re-used my source codes like base to new project and really happy to make the result like past records I have worked in Canada.

My term of Working & Holiday was over and I am in time to wait for LMO like extra game. I don't know how it works for close future. I still think the one year was a full life in these days.

Talk to you soon!



Hi I'm Shinya Hasegawa
I was born in Kanagawa,
Japan and 30 years old.
I'm IT Engineer of year 8th.
I'm challenging globalize
by IT engineer.
I arrived in Canada on February 2011.
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